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1/16-1/27: This Week in SNRC 22'

This Week in SNRC 22’

Society of Natural Resources Conservation at Cornell


This past year has been challenging for all of us. Still, we have the opportunity to affect change for the better. Our new Society of Natural Resources Council cabinet members (Nico Lit, President; Ashley Staginari, Vice President; Gabrielle Schnorbus, Webmaster/Public Relations Coordinator; Maya Thakor, Teracycle Coordinator; Thomas Jacquot, Treasurer) have outlined some work for this semester. Our main goal is to focus on volunteering in the community and reaching out to other environmental groups to build a more robust environmental community here on campus.

One way we’ve decided to do that is by partnering with the David M. Einhorn Center for Community Engagement to receive the certificate in Community Engagement Leadership. (Find more detail here:

For this program, we have to choose a community partner to work closely with, with the hope of creating a lasting, impactful relationship beyond Cornell.

We want to make sure that our group members have a say in our partner! We will have a vote at our February 10th meeting to decide who we will collaborate with. Some potential partners are listed below:

If you know of any other groups, we’d love to hear from you! You can contact us at meetings, using GroupMe, or emailing any of our cabinet members through

Our meetings now run from 6:30-7:30PM on Thursdays, and every other meeting will be a planning meeting. During these, we will reach out to other groups, look at volunteer opportunities, and complete administrative tasks. Our other meetings will focus on casting votes, getting to know one another, and participating in events.

On a final note: we need volunteers to help us table at Clubfest on February 20th! If you’d be interested, please reach out to Nico, our president, at

We are looking forward to this upcoming term and hope to see you at our meetings!


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